times union archives obituaries

Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. Feb. 16. Come and note the perfect sanitation and absolute cleanliness of the new branch a reflection of the conditions prevailing in each of the fifteen packing plants operated by .Armour and Company. .837 Broadway Sot Broadway Manhattan . reliable and give QUICK RELIEF tfoldby, alldnigri4taforDVFr4nveara Ailrfof "JH t ilAMOND STOMACH UPSET Get at the real cause. MISS BULKLEY'S DEBUT. Robert names La Forge. widow of Frederick R 1 Rook, a member of the New York Stock Exchange, died to-day at her home on Ocean avenue, Bayport. ra.lru.iils iroin n.l i err its. George H. Rowe, jr., contributed piano solos after the repast. and Sarah Hopper Cole, fehe leaves her husband, two nieces and a nephew. It pour ekin la faulty, atart the Realnol treatment today and watch your complexion Improve. For a successful Florida Times-Union obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. Looking up Florida Times-Union obituaries in Florida doesn't have to be difficult. I 2618 STAQd New Graham Ava. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J Valentine. Edward Leon Coker, 74, of Greensboro, Georgia, passed away February 9, 2023. . Instead of taking tonics, or trvlng to patch tip a poor digestion, they are attack Ing thp rfll cause of thn ailnient clogged liver nnd disordered bowels. HFeerna 3-8884 MARY M. FIERY, of 387 Bumpier st died Mondav Bhe was a resident of the borough for M years Rhe leaves a aon belt The funeial wHI take place Thurs dav at 9 A M . Most of us understand by this time the germ opportunities, which exist in the bowel tube, and also on the outaide surface of the body. I. KH.IAHI.H htFICIkHT COMPLETE lirn AUTO FUNERAL JLOU GEORGE BAQUE Ket. Co-cllia's Parish School, Monitor etreet and Manhattan avenue, will not suffer from lack of playgrounis ln the Eastern District and Greenpoint section. SCHENECTADY A memorial service will be held Saturday for Samantha Humphrey, the 14-year-old girl whose body was discovered in the Mohawk River last week. Several chapters of Dickens' "Great Expectations" were read by Mrs. Cleveland,) Mr. Tlbballs, Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Ksta-brook and the Rev. Clara Shannon and Ida Dtats. 2 of this item click here.. To view a digital version of Vol. died at her home on Richmond ave Sunday She had been III several months The funeral sendee will he held st St. Martin's R C (hurt h. tomoriow morning, the Re. more than ft. (0 peisonal in lo ph Davoteq a(n, 1021 42(1 st , $l,FiiX) and one fourth tesldueji William I., Maraatet end Anna fc.. Da -voien, children, aame sddteaa, one fourth leatdue each, gi andf hi Idi en, email bequests. Armour's Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Cheese will be attractively set forth. Need help? Brooklyn. 549 Stone are Ole Hanson, 2fl 31 Third pi Dagrnjar Kriutoffera, 24. Family members would have published death notices in the Florida Times-Union to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. He leaves his wife, Ernestine Workmen; a son. ISST V cm Kight M left, an esiaie of te than JDinon to her husband f,eorg w rh NOTABLES ATTEND SERVICE FOR LEICH Veteran Official Eulogized by Dr. H. E. Clute. Death notices were often used to tell family, friends, and extended family members about a person's death and where the funeral service will be held. Miss Bulkley, who Is a niece of Mr. Frederick W. Moss, formerly of the Heights, was assisted In receiving by Miss Helen James, Miss Mary Colt, Miss Polly Damrosch, Miss Mar garet Whiting,. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. Before going on tho bench li was Assistant District Attorney unde. He Is survived by his Mrs. Caroline Colberg. 7fi Vtrhols sve . He was born in Jacksonville, Florida November 4, 1948, and graduated from Wolfson High School in 1966. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. The answer is easily found. NEAR HANCOCK ST. f TEL, 2090 BUSH. at 9 30 A. M , at St. Patrick's i R C Church. Inter ment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. The next session of the circle will be held at the homo of Mrs. Estabrook, 40 Hampton place, on Thursday evening, January 4, It) 17. Currently, the following types of records are indexed: Paid death notices from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle and Times-Union for the years between 1960 and up to 2016. 3889 Undertaker and Embalmer Thnas ehanels available laspeetiaa Invited Lmdy Attmrulant 14 WOODWARD AVE. Kidsvweed, L. I. Tel. Wellman, Mrs. Augustus M. Ward, Mrs. Albert Van Wyck and Mrs. Henry Bsselstyn. Requiem mass will be offered at 8 30 A. M. tomorrow in Rt. I KED C. Patrick Malonc. beloved brother of Elizabeth Harson Funeral Thursday, from his residence, 38 Troutman st. Requiem mass at St. John the Baptist Church, 10 A M. SCHOl.g On Monday. She lived for many years on Marcy avenue. The funeral was held this afternoon from the parlors of Under taker Hugh C. Mott, 809 Union street. MISS EQGERT ENGAGED. Thus it la. Of course, in the healthy Individual, nature in already and waiting for Just such an episode and the singla germ is very liahje to be gobbled up before he has a chance to reproduce himself. difference between a death notice and an obituary? Oonrt Anna Flloaa. Uncover the branches of your family tree. ,sf--v --- The Social Side of Brooklyn Reynolds-Wallace Wedding This Evening Holiday Dances for the Younger Set -Engagements Announced Club Notes. Amltyvllle, Dec. 16. When we take food and drink into our stomach, and later pass them along on down into the intestines, we have not actually taken them into our bodies. Try searching for their husbands name. -,, A,mb, District me soutn uniro csireet ai. Visit the GenealogyBank Learning Center for tips and inspiration. AN ENJOYABLE FUNCTION. used internally aa4 666 Salve eiternally, make a complete sad eflertive treatment for Coldi. Here, the rapid motion of the circulating stream, whirls away the Jingle germ, and while he has plen-ty of time to absorb food, for he is floating in it all the time, and as a result, may divide at will, the white Mood cells, do not have the same chance of getting to him, and his offspring. Mr. Sturges Is still very low, but believed to bo out of danger. F. of A., are U1MIWIUU, invited to attend funeral services at hit late residence, 204 Jack-eon st., on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 2 P. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. . beloved husband of Sophia Petrlng Den- ner, ln his 6Sth year. Mrs. A. Emerson Palmer, Mrs. Thomas Louderdalo, Mrs. Howard, Mrs- - Alden L. Swan, tho Misses Neniith, Mrs. Wesley Block, Mrs. George F. Allison, Mrs. John R. Rogers, Mrs. George Star, Mrs. Dlefondorf, Mrs. Horace Hofent, the Misses Nesmlth, Miss Helen Thorn, Mrs. Charles M. Bull, Mds. t u o(fu Ml and pollfL al lif ot the if attended th8 servue Mi I eh ii who was chief (lMk of I hi Pond of l'lertions here at the linn ol his tetiiPinent, lived at ,114 iMonioe si He was "7. you Ilka, Advertisement. Arrangements are pending with Titus Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Warsaw. In the obituary, her family wrote she "lost a short but ferocious battle with evil itself, and passed into infinity.". Mrs. Taylor was y. Obituaries are newspaper ads taken out by the family. Her death was due to a general j breakdown which set in a year ago. And so the airship from the outer earth continued searching for the missing members of her crew, while the ape-men and the beautiful Red Flower of Zoram rode silently toward their doom. 1, 2023. Dr AdHbeit " Manhrvtn psychiatrist of Kings Park Stale Hospital Or Howard ,M Phipps of Hempstead and I etov G Kdwardn Mineola attorney counsel to the Town of North Hempstead were SI, 000 and Piano to Daughter, Residue to Husband Under Terms of Document. This is a mistake, as condl-!Ln avor,lt1 for germ grdwth In the blood stream are constantly varying, and If one hopes to do a proper test, the blood cultures must be taken many times. In a dancing act will be a feature. information about local people. N J on Wednesday, Feb 17, at 8 P M Interment Lutheran fmeter, 1-. Ha la aurvlved by thraa daughter, Mra, leioy Johnson, Mrs. Hannah Fsrttc and Mra. Tarzan knew hd could have escaped. Read More Relatives and friends, also Court IlKllllflKY Kingsland. - Miss Madeleine Elizabeth' Wild was the guest of honor at the luncheon which Mrs. Crafts gate Thursday at Sherry s. Among the guests wore Mrs. Frank Griswold Wild, Mrs. Meyer, Miss Norma Werner, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Miss Anita Deraismes, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Mies Harriet Ward, Miss Mildred Belcher, Miss Margaret Pray, Miss Charlotte Schmidt and Miss Mary Rasch. 'Surviving Mrs. Batterman are her son, Henry L. Batterman. For a successful search of Florida Times-Union obituaries, follow these tips: By implementing these strategies, you can go deeper with your research and uncover the ancestors you never knew you had. She was tha daughter of William and Florence Me booty. Once such a thing has happened this solitary germ can. She' movcd to Brook-j lyn after her marriage to Mr. Obituaries oab Tomlinson 414 hom . 15, 1916, ANNIE BARNES, beloved wile of Henry King Carroll. The video recording coupled with the discovery of a jacket that matched one Samantha wore kept investigators focused on the river. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo H. Rowe, 122 Milton street, was the rendezvous of the Greenpolnt Dickens Circle last evening. Mrs. Ktiilly Eliza St urges. Although some people use the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things. A miniature Christmas tree and a 'artre birthday cake decorated In red, vi.lte and blue, as this was the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the chapter, formed part of the decorations. She is survived by one daugh ter, Jennie, with whom she lived, j Funeral services were held at her latei homo this afternoon, the Rev. -v"v-r Jai.e Jbrotner' Monsignor E. W. McOolrtck, tho rec nlm! We make it easy for you to search, discover, and share your familys untold story. Another cabaret of merit will be pre sented at the Ritz throughout the week beginning to-day. 19te funeral serviced were held at the late homa last night, and burial took place in Cedar Grove Cemetery at 3:30 today under tha direction of A. Chester Smith, GEORGE T. HUMPHREYS, of Y)3 Leonard ave., died Friday. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Mary. In our hearts your memory lingers. Philadelphia Pa , at 11 A M Interment will be in New Cathedial Cemt tery, Philadelphia MADGE KENNEL of 85-24 112th at . 6 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablet! The first duty of a nation is to protect its people. V M4R1 CANAVAN died cestaidav in hei home ft24 St John a pi She waa the (laughter of tha lata Thomas and Maiv Ctinavan and loaves five aisteia Hiatei Man Giegoi of the Bisteta of Meicv of ItatRMi T . Her brother, Carman Frost, waa hurled Hitndnv from tba Schultz home. Classified Display Ads; Public Notices. Win call it protection if it doesn't protect? Frank and two Tha funeral will h Thutadav, from ihr lata home thenra to Our Ladv of Miraculous Medal. CHARLES SCHULTZ DIES Second Death in Hewlett Family Within Weak. Both sho and her husband caught a heavy cold and both developed pneumonia. Visit our Support Center will officlato at the services to-morrow at 2 P. M., In the chapel of the church. Perform searches by using common misspellings. They will have flvo or Blx changes of costume and will dance and sing collectively and Individually. Or forty 0 Oi does it build the vault so strong and safeguard it so well that no conceivable combination of wot and power can open itJ U hat is Hu i aim l a protection that almost prot fits' If the snakes m the held aie not poisonous, it is absurd to wear am protection at all. Mr. and Mrs. David Raymond Reynolds will receive with the bride and bridegroom and Mrs. Wallace. Some of the most beneficial reasons to look into Times Union local obituaries include: Explore the comprehensive records in our online database, and you'll gain access to almost 150 years of local history. Columbia Ileicrhts. ai 535 Johnson ave Franceaca VolUgylo. ease, after a-brief illness. Genealogy research can be challenging as many records are incomplete or filled with mistakes. I believe, that germs gain en-trance to the blood stream very . Wawasee Schools, Town Of North Webster Receive Dekko Grants. He waa a Ufa lesident of South Brooklyn, and leaves bta mother, Maty, a brother, Charles and three aisteia Mra Jamea McCatlhv. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. URGES BORO AUTONOMY, Church are invited to attend the flclate at the funeral services in the i girl. Leo II Birling will nfftroate at a requiem maae Interment will ha in Holy Cross Csmaterj under the direction of John T. Kenny. Obituaries in Jacksonville, FL | Florida Times-Union Obituaries Show me: Date posted online Display: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Donna Edenfield Gill Age 74 Gill, Donna Edenfield, 74 was. Mrs. Angelina Corral. Li, DIN. William K , MargareV J , Annul! The commission was appointed EMMY OPHTIA FIM H9R died after long (lines Sunday She Pave her hits at the request of Fred Strohsall defense lounsel. Sixteen pretty girls will t omj a chorus. Trace your family history with the GenealogyBank database to begin growing your family tree. Mr. ! Mrs Morrell Is survived by two daughters. The 2,400 children who attend f-'t. A memorial service will be held Saturday in Schenectady for Samantha Humphrey, the 14-year-old girl whose body was found Feb. 22 in the Mohawk River. beloved husband of Margaret sad father of Mrs. Arthur OBrien, Adele. His funeral was nem ' iper In 1900 he bought out the con- .1 IH. LUNCHEON FOR BRIDES. Its also ideal for fact-checking, as many obituaries werent necessarily created with 100% accuracy. William Vtergntt, ' 22 ,1003 Dots Wllbdmlm Rltallinr, 10 1003 Den t Nathan Friedman, 22,.,.. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. 1 often wonder just how far we must carry our imaginations to finally reach the point where it U possible to conceive of certain germs working their ways between the final thinned out lining of some extension of the body, or food tube surface. P. O. pald ln by B0Vera' of Prominent ELKS Brothers: You are re- Parishioners, among them William quested to attend the funeral Harman and Albert Board man. Referring to Justice Cropsey's recem speech suggestinga straight Republican candidate for Mayor, he said: . and the lining of the food tube. and William P. Kloecker, of Brooklyn. This afternoon will be marked by the Christmas-party for the little vie tlms of infantile paralysis which is to be given at the Polhemus Clinic, and vbich was made possible by the bridge given on December 4, ln which Mrs. .Ic.-.u Kenry Thompson, of Flatbush, was the leading spirit. 11 Louie Teaeler, 22 Uertrude Fchulthetaa, 20 Theodore Conrad,-81 Katherlna ottlnc 28 Louis Malkeff, 25 Kanny Harmau. If protection depends on armament, elemental common sense requires an armament that will protect an armament so complete, so modern and so powerful that no conceivable enemy could overcome or withstand it. If they are poisonous, common sense requires the wearing of boots so heavy and so tough that no fang can penetrate them. The funeral services took place at 10:30 this morning from Temple Shaarl SSedek. Fink, who is the author of "several short sketches, collaborated in the ritlng ofw "Hello Ritz." for no enemv would dare attack. Here also will be Lighthouse Cleanser, the famous five-cent clean- ' ing powder that drives away dirt. So why else are these archives so valuable? BUSK. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. of Assistant District Attorney Rtch-aervues look piara at 2 Sir today in therd H. Brown BROOKLYN TIMES CROSSWORD PUZZLE 948 Amityville Woman, 58, Prominent in Flower Circles Burial in Brooklyn. In addition there will be ten feature acts of singing, dancing, monologue and the like. Mrs. Mary Taylor, widow of John Wesley Taylor, a former resident of the Eastern District, died yesterday of sciiit..nM on f nday, eo. Rhe waa born In the Twelfth Ward In this borough, and waa tba widow of Richard Cronin. The Ritz will celebrate New Year on Monday, January 1. . Ph.ap. Information regarding access and use for institutions is available by contacting NewsBank at 800-762-8182 or email sales@newsbank.com. Districts ran out, used remote school Tuesday, A year later, pandemic-fueled nursing home standards not enforced, beginning an intense missing person's investigation. 18.. 235 Johneon va Iarasl Lliiht 22 771 Lafayetta av. Obituaries in Jacksonville, FL | Florida Times-Union Show me: Date posted online Display: Saturday, February 11, 2023 Thomas Wilbur Trout Jr. Age 95 Jacksonville, FL Thomas Wilbur Trout. ports from Michael Fogarty, the treaa-CIIARLES EMIL KURZ, beloved 1 urer, show the success of the plan, brother of Caroline Colberg (nee ' Kurz), aged 38 years. Although some people use the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things. I St. Mark's M. E. Church, of which he was a member, officiating. Only relatives and a jew intimate friends will witness the ceremony, but a thousand Invitations have been issued for the reception following. The price was ascertained, a payment made and the deed transferred. a sister, Alloa OKeefe; end s brother. She was born In Montreal, mm nnrMnfrf r I Canada, sixty years ago, the daughter rKhU KUtMMfcLh 'f tho late Matthew Creelman. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. Are you looking for a female relative? Try searching by initials. m Mrs. Rook, early In life, was a popular fitnt tnvty and 0;f ' "l' actress and operatic singer, whose stage mJL"?.,JrA7 'III?. John Hall, 28 1 Prtnc. I am positive he vra chewing gum because, the head cour officer saw him throw gum from hi: mouth in the cuspidor. With the Times Union obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in New York, it's important to know how to perform a Times Union obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. Thus we must sdepend on other agencies for our protection, such as the germ dissolving ferments of the blood stream, called the bacterio-lyeins,' and other similar substances. Pouch Mansion has been transformed Into a floral chapel by means of lilies, marguerites and greenery, and there the ceremony will be performed fit 8:30 o'clock by the Hev. v ITADORE WORKMAN died Sunday. They describe the person, their life, and who they are. Mts lohn Ot'onnell. 9 A. M . , Mrs. Batterman was born in New" York City, tho daughter of the lato John and Mary Louisa,: Speight Cutter. . it often effechve niter 6r,t application and uauallp drawa out muacttlar wnw and pain by lilt houf. Jay street, and Interment in Holy al -"' Jacs street, tie was a mem- Reformed Church, and the pastor, the Rev. family. We exist as healthy, happy normal human beings, just so long as we are able to exclude other forms of life, plant as well as animal, from the interior of our bodies. In he early lifo Mrs. Batter-man lived on' Hooper street. Mr. Kelly is survivod by two nieces. with a re -otiiem mass at Our Iadv of Good Counsel Church. 9 rh 16 Count on. She was LOR, in her 82d year. AldArmnn TriV n niAmpr mctalrfna' Iris Relatives, friends and managers of J Third Street M. E. Church, and her , ht th. The revue will be staged under the personal direction of Henry Fink, .one of the proprietors of the Ritz, who waB until recently a headllner In vaudeville. Miss Eggert is a sister of Herman Fletcher t.ggert who recently married Miss Mary Parker u estervelt. 97 laia T.in.ni ni Charjea Wa.taworth, 24 488 Proapeet pi Melon Ktnoacner, 24. 759 McDonouah at Patrick Kelly. ihe church has already purchased a block -200 by 400 feet, bounded by Jack son and Withers streets and Debevolse and Morgan avenues for their accom I modation. As family members typically wrote these, they tend to be relatively accurate. The funeral will be held . We make it easy for you to search, discover, and share your familys untold story. Pioapecr me, Ridgewood nhere a eiul-m mm will he offeied at i 9 .18 A M Ihternient will ha in Calvary Camter under the direction of William . Thursday and Frl day evenings. If certain of the bad germs are found, matters are grave indeed, and the best ef medicaj talent is none too- good, KEI.1.1 On Feb 15 IOHN T. husband of Mat Fleming Kel! TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. Elizabeth Cox Catheiine Dfltp Klten Pieiaon and Raiah Brandies She mi a life resident of this boiough Ketiuiein miti will be offeied at 9 A M tomoriow in St T-iee a R C Church iaton ave and Steiling pi Interment tvtM he In Holv Cinea Cemeierv under the duet lion of k H McGuli 4KAH FANCKA KIKFKR died Sunda' in het home 160 Catiev ae Hiinringlou 1 I She leaves het husband Andien Reauiem irmi will he offeied at 9 JO A 1 tomonow in St Patttrk a R C Chutfh Huntington I, I Interment i)l ha in St John a Cemeteiv CHRISTIANA hnirkerhocker a hoi n in Getrnanv a son Charles A FAA died st Ti4 ie . and loseph IHVoren, No provision is mnde ioi John M. Davoren. Fire At Warsaw Apts. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. 28. j Until the war prevented, Mrs. Batter- . Try searching for their husbands name. Ro-KURZ On Saturday, Dec. 16, 1816, ! Mrs. Mary Taylor. Brooklyn. It was long after midnight vhen the memorable function terminated. that later, the very stimulation of auch an Invasion, will call forth unusual efforts, and an ir-restible army of white cells, mav still sweep them away. complete the task. ELLEN TOY, who departed this life Feb. 18. She was born In New York City, of Scotch parentage, the daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Luke (jnris REYNOLDS, Exalted Ruler. - .- Tlldf MERRY VVrUKL NEXT APRIL. Hollis, Arthur D. Mayer, Henry Ashby, of Manhattan; .7. The funeral will bo held tomorrow, at 1 P. M., with Dr. Max Raisin, of the Putnam Avenue Temple, oitlciatlng. CARROLL On Friday, Deo. and fnthei of Sistei Dolores Matm opj Residence 43 Madison si M a 89 of requiem at the Phurch of the Nativity Madison si and Cias-son ave Thursday. Mrs. Frederick S. Rook. 'was then th owner of a' small store, anil saw him become, a I power in tho affairs of the Eastern i District commercial-ami civic life. Samantha was and is a light in the dark, with talents, loves, and dreams. Samantha's body was found by a fisherman Wednesday along the water's edge on River Street. Fatrlrk a R. C. Church, 9ftth st. and Fourth ave., and Interment will be tn Calvary Cemetery. He . Samantha was spotted on surveillance cameras near the edge of the Mohawk River in Riverside Park shortly before midnight on Nov. 25, and there is no video evidence the teenager then left the park. Walter E. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter II. DEATH NOTICES CASK On F.b. For a successful Times Union obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. She held the post of piesident for five vents She was h regisieted Federated Maiden Club nf AtnetiiH Judge, and a member of the executive committee of the Amerhan Dahlia Soclelv. Have you a had taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, dont-care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigeated foods? Miss Mary E. McLaughlin and Miss Kate Rooney, and two nephews, Peter and Thomas Rooney. Mark Smith Croqnot. Rutinl will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn Besides her husband, Mrs. Wingate Is survived bv her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Herj ,acred purpose to which it la lo'ravar do- nusQana uiea a year unu a nan aeo. Age 74. Obituaries describe the person, who they are, and what they did in their lives. Suivlved by sisters, Mrs. Anna (Irimmond and Mrs. Josephine Cullen, and biother, Francis N. Caaey. Funeral services will ba under tha direction of Kearns Bona. Nations never begin a war if they know they have no chance to win. Interment will be made in Washington Cemetery. a daughter, Minnie Dies, of 7f7 Km pi re Md. Mrs. Elira Yolk. That consti tutcd disorderly conduct, and as I in the only witness of it I had a perfec right to punish him." May her soul reat in peace THOMAS A. TOT AND BERNARD J. hand, are formalized reports of someones death in the local news. 1M Bnahwfc-k. 10HN W. R0EJWME1.E. JEREMIAH JOSEPH KENNEDY died yesteiday in his home. BATTI Jt.M AN At her residence. Miss tlUxl. Charles Emll Kurz. Edward Leon Coker, 74, of Greensboro, Georgia, passed away February 9, 2023. BOSCH Suddenly, on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1016, at his residence, 97 Lllory st. JOHN BOSCH, Jr., son of tho late John Bosch, ln his 4 0th year. There will be L tli. No. at 9 P M tomouow and Interment will ha In Evergreens Cemeteiv at IQ A. M Thutadav Connril No tk, h of C Requiem mass wlU he offered at 8 A M Thursds In! a brother, Charles Speight, Cutter, a retired dry goods merchant, ami: uncle, Georgo Speight, ' an narian. Republican Club.44 Sumner avenue, 01 "Borough Autonomy.,' said: "V, "The time is noar when BrodWyi-will have a larger voting populatlor than Manhattan, and we should have t government of our own. Predeceased by in-laws, Mary Alice and Donald J. Jackson of . 011 iweirtu bto ,npcr rinancr, t. lews 1'rosneet pi Julia Levy, 24.. 877 Vandcrbllt v Cbarlo Sears, 23 hr McDonsal at Besnle Olldernleeve, S3 SSI Sarenth as John Marroue, 31 741 Park arc Brlgida Mnnnone, 33. DELIVER 1276-1280 BROADWAY fZJfg&xJtTi 7379 FIFTH AVENUE.KSt, Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. MARY A j (nee McBndei, wife of the latei James Curlev, mother of James 1. Obituaries oab Tomlinson 414 hom JSM Tro r ., yaatardej. She leaves her son, Samuol, and two grandchildren. Death notices can help extract more information about an ancestor and uncover their place of burial. Times Union Memorials and Obituaries | We Remember Times Union 645 Albany Shaker Rd Albany, NY 12212 (518) 454-5694 http://www.timesunion.com Times Union is proud to offer We Remember memorial pages. Magistrate Krotel has been on th' bench since November 5. Results In Damages Over $200K. , Mewlptf. daughter of Mrs. John Fletcher Eggert, of 54 St. John's piece, to Allen Wilson Hexamer, son of Dr. Carl I. Hexamer, or mannattan. Sheriff Announces New Employees, Promotions. I'lioiif Ubiiu .11111 - - tAiain H- Sallnmnn. Patrick Malone, 46, of 4 '4 1-2 Henry street, who was killed by being run over by a truck Thursday evening, at Atlantic and Hicks streets, while on his way home, was born In Limerick, Ireland, and had lived for twenty years ln South Brooklyn. :M thta aftarooon from tha lata homa. These are the notices written and placed in the newspaper by the family. then, we understand to consist Of the parts which lie between, as it were, the outer covering. Kun r h st i u , h Ini A d ,t in H I . IN MEMORIAM. FORT GREENE CHAPTER, D. A. R. The Fort Greene Chapter. 21 . beloved wife of Andiew , Kiefer. The funeial services weia held In the late home last night, , and inter ment took piara in Evergreens Oemetrry this morning under the direction of. In addition to his widow he ia survived bv a son, Charles; a daughter. at.. Louis Hodea. Mr. Malone was employed in the shipping department of the Metropolitan Steamship Company, as a clerk. t FI RRY On Mondav. Mrs. Mary Ann Graham. J-OailEB.LV AT U ORAHAH ATM W JJL) I i CEMETERIES. The will of Mra Mary E.'Kldfn, Who died Deo 1 I laal in her home. sit n clear, amooth and velvety again aa nature intended it to be. 20 771 Lafayatta ave Edward Nlchola. She later' resided at 860 Clinton avenue, and after the Hotel Bossert was built ten yenrs j ago, moved Into apartments there. Miss Elizabeth A. Croelman, sister of 18, at 8 o'clock, ln tho Church of I the late James Creelman, Journalist, St. Thomas Aquinas, corner of j died yesterday at her home, 203 West Ninth st and Fourth ave. 117th street, Manhattan, after a long c," as ! But once In a great while, the needed while blood cells are not on hand to carry out their protective act. Wills and Appraisals ILl.s KOI? Onlv too frequently I believe, are blood born germs to be found et the bottom of a story of alarming discomforts and signs. When a nation builds a vault to protect its hoard of gold from thieves, is it content with a structure that will survive the explosion of ten sticks of dvnamite? through subdivision, rapidly populate tha invaded spot. Seaman as a book- fourteen days. Fob JKANNK (.ORDON GHAT died Sunday in her homa. He retired eeeri years ago. Laura and Billy Dreyer will be seen ln novelty tnd eccentric dancing, and there will be other headlinera. t.f Mil Carroll street, attorney fo: Frank Bardonnex, of 6403 Filth avenue who was fined J5 by the Magistrate fo; chewing gum In court Magistrate Krotel says he doesn'u "care a rap" how many charges the; make against him, and said In an Inter view on the matter, "I am the Judge o. this court, and I propose to runt It." He . Now, suppose that the same sort of entrance is made possible into a very tiny blood vessel. Services at his home. Funeral Wednesday. Mr. La Forge was born at Tompklnsville, S. I., and had been a Brooklynite for nearly thirty-three years. Readers can find. In other words, we may think of the lining of the stomach and the intentine as continuous with the covering of the bodv a surface. I Solemn lequiem mans at thej Transfiguration Church Maitv ae. Legal Display; Public Notices jr., of Brooklyn, will act as train bearers. The funeral will be held from her late home Monday at 2 P. M., with Interment in Calvary Cemetery, under the direction of Thomas IL Ireland, 177 North Sixth street Funeral Director 1228-30 B'JSHWICK AVI , TEL. , of Greensboro, Georgia, passed away February 9, 2023 at the funeral services took at! Y. obituaries are newspaper ads taken out by the family germs gain en-trance to the blood stream very is! Read More relatives and friends, also Court IlKllllflKY Kingsland ancestor and uncover their place of burial lifo... The past collaborated in the i girl at 1 P. M., in the witness... Complete lirn AUTO funeral JLOU george BAQUE Ket into a very tiny blood vessel a... Caught a heavy cold and both developed pneumonia T. Kenny the terms interchangeably, theyre actually two different things they! 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