pregnant guinea pig signs of labor

Your email address will not be published. Loud squeals are a sign that she accepted him. Cavies, as notorious early developers, are sexually mature at a very young age. Loosening . Note that your guinea requires a balanced diet more than ever. I know guinea pigs don't. If you hold her carefully by the shoulders when shes on your lap or a towel, then you should be able to softly feel the lumps and bumps if you roll your other hand over her gently. To decide when the introduction of the young ones will happen is frequently troublesome in that they have a long development period, and that the sows dont assemble homes. All things considered, the domestication of cavies began in the high countries of Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. This partition increments to more than 2.5cms in the hours not long before conveyance. Male guinea pigs are very territorial so when they mate they spray the female with their urine. In the middle and later stages of gestation, a pregnant sow will display an enlarged abdomen. It takes two or three weeks to wean pups, and remember that the baby males must be separated by the time they are at most three weeks old. Keep in mind! You must log in or register to reply here. I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. Just a disclaimer: Beware that you should not wildly breed guinea pigs if you dont have a proper breeding program or the appropriate financial situation as well as time to care for them. Most guinea pigs give birth in the daytime hours. I scared Ill lose her, her name is Pixie and I never wanted this to happen but my male name Nemo. Medical intervention, such as a c-section, is often required for older sows with no previous prior pregnancies. Some of the signs to watch out for include: 1. Remember that typical is comparative with your guinea pigs standard propensities. Its a great way to predict and control diseases as well. All previously stated animals of which I have experience build nests of some sort. With the use of ultrasound, your vet can also assess potential concerns with the pregnancy. The sow may sit hunched up, make a hiccup-like movement, and reach under herself to pull out a baby. These early labor signs include your baby dropping lower in your pelvis; losing your mucus plug; seeing bloody show; having Braxton Hicks contractions; and experiencing nausea and/or diarrhea. A serious condition that can occur during the last stage of guinea pig pregnancy is pregnancy toxemia. The sow will give a distinctive groan when she is going into labor and the first baby will normally appear after 5 minutes of . The new Mom will not act sick. Keep in mind that your guinea pig can give birth to up to 14 pups and thats probably more than you can handle! Contractions that range from mild (during early labor) to strong (during active labor) Effacementthinning of the cervix. Check out these most popular guinea pig products on the market: Last update on 2023-02-21 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. In fact, in her case she is very pregnant and nearing the end of her gestation term which is about 114 days (three months, three weeks . It is important to note that big-sized and more litters shorten the gestation phase. And remember, even a neutered male can get a female pregnant. When a gilt (unbred or first-time mother) or a sow is in heat, she will often show a swollen and red vulva, and/or discharge. Every pregnancy varies from individual to individual but theres definitely a silver lining, just as with any other space. Maybe Janice will have at least one son so Possum will have a cage mate. Do not keep pregnant guinea pigs in multi-level cages/hutches as their balance will be impaired by pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy they may not be able to get up to the higher tiers. (And Other Key Terms), How Often Should You Clean a Guinea Pigs Cage? Equally, keep them in a clean environment because ammonia fumes from the beddings may affect the pups at birth. I can feel her pelvis is widening! If you feel movement in addition to lumpiness, that's a clear sign she is pregnant. By gently squeezing the tummy area, you may feel different-sized bumps. Many females who survive experience complications, which are painful to the sow and costly to the pet parent.. Youll need to ensure your pig is getting adequate food, water, and supplements since these things are additionally helping the embryos. Those nutrients will nourish her as well as the fetuses and also prevent hair loss. As a proud piggie parent, it is both your duty and privilege to oversee your guineas nutrition and keep them healthy, happy, and well-fed. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. The mother starts producing milk about a week after giving birth to the pups. I found out that my marvoulus Marmalade was with the male "Chester" from the end of October until 2 days before I picked her up. Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Can They Live Together. Chester, the dad, is a golden agouti and white Peruvian. Her body will be positioned in a down-squat on all four legs. If there are large quantities of blood, or gooey bloody stuff after 2-3 days, or the sow is not acting normally, she might have retained a placenta or a baby. Litter size ranges, with the average being 2-4 pups in rare cases as many as 12-14. She is at risk of toxemia if the fetuses are taking up more energy than she can supply nutritionally. Avoid over-feeding Guinea pigs tend to express every little change in their body. The knowledge empowers them to be prepared for any situation, and they can take care of their little friends accordingly. This is easily detectable by squeezing the teats. signs of labor. Other guinea pigs sometimes act differently around pregnant specimens. If you touch her underbelly a couple of centimeters ahead of the anus, you will be able to feel that the pelvic bones have spread apart. She may, if he persists, even urinate on him. If pregnant, your guinea pig may have a single piglet or up to 3-4. The next number will be the earliest your guinea pig will potentially go into labor. Those fertile periods can occur during any time of the year, but most frequently during spring. If your guinea pig is a grown up adult then you can watch her weight in order to try and identify whether or not she is pregnant. Female guinea pigs can come back into heat 15 hours after giving birth. Symptoms to look out for include: Tiredness, silence, weakness, depression Appetite loss Breathing problems In fact, you may even wonder if your cavy is actually pregnant. The birth canals of these animals are very narrow. An expectant guinea pig is one source of concern even to experienced pet owners. This is one effective way of removing dried fluids or blood from the coat. That way, it becomes much easier to track the pregnancy process and detect health implications. Copyright 2000 - 2023, Guinea Pig Cages. Not knowing all the necessary facts about pregnancy in guinea pigs can prove to be a nightmare. Therefore, if you are uncertain about any new development, consult your vet soonest. Guinea pigs are without a doubt cute, and baby guinea pigs climb twice as high on the cuteness ladder. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. The male will put on a masculine presentation for the female, thundering, standing upright before her, and moving toward her with his head brought down. Sometimes even surgery must be performed to save the mothers life. Generally, people adopt small babies as pets, who eventually grow up and reach the age of sexual maturity and reproduction. How much your cavy expands during this time depends on the number of pups shes carrying., Again, if you need to handle your cavy, do so in a gentle manner, grasping her securely yet comfortably, to ensure full support of her body.. When a guinea pig is pregnant the pelvic canal stretches as a result of hormonal secretion. Normal labor should be short and sweet. Guinea pigs eat more when they're pregnant. How to Feed Guinea Pigs: An Easy-To-Follow Feeding Schedule, Best Bedding for Guinea Pigs: Top 6 Choices That Are Safe & Comfortable, What Can Guinea Pigs Chew On? Once she passes the seventh week, you will easily be able to see the babies movement and even be able to distinguish by gentle touch what body part you are feeling. Although you need to be careful not to apply any pressure to the region. If you notice a pup with the sac remaining over its face, break the membrane open with your finger nail. I have had sows that have run to the opposite end of the cage, like they are terrified! In some cases, pregnant guinea pigs triple the amount they consume in a day. Bloody show. It doesnt take more than a few hours for them to start eating solid food, just like any other adult guinea pig. Lessen taking care of a base and doesnt bother her for about fourteen days to the birth. Her hindquarters, especially, needs extra support to protect the litter. What is a Group of Guinea Pigs Called? Your email address will not be published. I have had sows deliver at night, and by morning you would never know she had babies except there are little pigs in the cage! If you know and accept the risks, then read on to become familiar with the stages of pregnancy. A veterinarian will examine your guinea pig and distinguish between the various knots and knocks, something that you will be unable to do. Remember that a cold climate triggers a guinea pig's appetite. If the female is receptive to his suggestion, she will signal her acceptance with loud squeals. There should be little or no blood, especially before any babies have been produced. NEVER try and pull anything out of the Mom. Keep an Eye on the Boys. 2 Remove any boars. It can be quite a tough task as their hunger seems to be veritably insatiable! Though the front half of her body wont change shape much, the back half of the sow will look adorably huge. Do it every day at the same time routinely. Lessen her openness to noisy commotions or bright lights, including direct daylight. The symphysis opens approximately 5-7 days before delivery (Brower 2006). Diet. I have even felt them grinding their teeth. Around 12 hours before delivery the mammary glands start to produce milk. In the pregnant female, the symphysis relaxes and stretches in response to secretion of relaxin by the pituitary gland and endometrium, allowing separation of the pubic bones (Williams 2012, Brower 2006, Martinho 2006). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pregnancy can have many hindrances for the sow, the female guinea pig. 5. Required fields are marked *. Polar fleece is perfect. During the late third trimester, this plug might push into your vagina. During this period the mothers double her body weight and get a lot bigger. The baby guinea pigs can be physically felt 2 to 4 weeks into pregnancy. As they grow, the opening fuses and becomes a stiff bony bridge. Any apparent change of behavior in means of lethargy, anorexia, or depression can be a sign of sickness. If the Mom does not bite off the placenta at the umbilical cord, you can sterilize a pair of cuticle scissors and carefully cut the umbilical cord about 1/2 inch from the babies tummy. The male will put on a manly display for the female, rumbling, standing upright before her, and approaching her with his head lowered. Marmalade is a red and white Coronet. If your pet squeals as the contractions come or take long to push the pup out, rush them to a dependable vet. The first stage of guinea pig pregnancy will be average, which is 65 days from when your guinea pig mates. If you sense something and youre not sure what it is, then seek advice from your veterinarian. Attempt to make your guinea pigs life easier by following a daily routine. When your guinea pig is in labor, . I named her Janice. Normally, the pregnancy period lasts between 63 and 70 days. Nevertheless, be conscious that other things can feel like bumps in the womb. After each pup pops out, it may take three to five minutes for the other to emerge. It is possible to make out fetuses 12 weeks after conception. Enriching the guinea pigs diet with kale, broccoli, green peppers, and parsley is also advised. However, the following guinea pig pregnancy timeline will simplify the entire gestation period and demystify the experience, so you can provide a stress-free environment for your little mama and her tiny pups.. Even if your pet has completed the farrowing process, there are vital signs you should observe. Cramps and increased back pain. The average number of days female guinea pigs stay pregnant is 65 days. Before we talk about the stages of your guinea pigs pregnancy, lets make certain that your guinea pig is already pregnant. After only a few of weeks, you should see your pet putting on weight, and the size of the mid-region getting truly perceptible. 6 Signs of a Pregnant Pig. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, there wont be a huge change in her appearance. As a result, they may bite, attack or pull her fur resulting in other complications. The female doubles in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during pregnancy. Okay, so a three-week-old male guinea pig can impregnate a female, but it is recommended that they are only neutered at around four months. In the event of a high-risk guinea pig pregnancy, they can also ensure a safe environment to deliver the pups successfully.. Mostly, guinea pigs deliver during the day and rarely at night. In the event that the female is responsive to his proposal, she will flag her acknowledgment with noisy screeches. The female guinea pig takes as much time as is needed to create her children. If possible, you can request your vet to sterilize your males or keep them in separate cages with the sows. Copyright 2000-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Guinea Lynx, All Rights Reserved, Sow straining for more than 10 minutes and not producing a baby, Sow squealing loudly with each contraction, Sow getting exhausted and just giving up from trying, No placenta being produced with the babies, Sow smelling like nail polish remover, or acetone. Great news! It is one of the first physical signs your guinea pig is pregnant shows. Has the shivering and leg movement ceased? One more thing. Around this time, youll notice the female cavy will be physically larger. If you see your sow bleeding, more than a tablespoon, dripping blood, or many pieces of bloody bedding with no babies, you are best advised to get to a vet. Cheers, Adrian @, Adrian, thank you so much for making this post. VIVO Pets Rodents Guinea Pigs Pregnant Guinea Pig Signs, Behavior & Care. So you should be able to get some needed rest. Male guinea pigs (also called boars) are sexually active at 3 weeks of age, but they are not able to go through a neutering procedure until 4 months old. Thats when the delivery starts and if everything is normal the first pup will come out in about 5 minutes. View our privacy policy and our disclosure policy for more information. Risk reduction includes preventing obesity in the mother guinea pig and providing adequate energy in the diet late in gestation. Male guinea pigs should be separated from the females as early as 3 weeks old, and female guinea pigs should be bred before they are 7 months old. The gestation period in guinea pigs could be anywhere between 59-72 days. You might be able to feel the pelvic bones separate before she gives birth. I have experience with dogs, cats, rats, mice and even reptiles, but none with Guinea Pigs (last guinea pigs I had were when I was 10 years old and I don't remember any of it). Mom's can, and are, very vigorous in cleaning up these babies! Once the pelvic bones are about two fingers apart, the time of birth is imminent., Guinea pigs usually give birth during the day rather than overnight. They will want to eat solid food within a few hours of birth. may be compensated when users click on links and sign-up with their associated offers located in content or anywhere else on the page. On the other hand, keeping a pregnant sow with boars poses a greater danger. As you get closer to labor, your water may break and you may have back pain or . Dilationwidening the opening of the cervix. The afterbirth will be a round flat bloody object ranging in size from a nickel to a quarter. Each pup will have its own amniotic sac, and usually the mother removes it and eats it. By the time she reaches the seventh week of pregnancy, the babies will make up about half of her total body weight. The sow must be fed an adequate selection of healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables daily, along with high-quality pellets and unlimited hay and water. If you do decide to breed them, ensure your sow is young enough (but not too young) so there are less chances of complications. This type of nourishment promotes fetal health and prevents hair loss for the mother to be. When the metabolic product reaches harmful concentration in the blood most obvious symptoms are: Commercial urine strips can help you measure the presence of ketones in her urine in the last few weeks of the pregnancy. Signs of toxemia typically appear from 2 weeks before birth to 1 week after delivery and include:, Unfortunately, in some cases, toxemia is fatal. Its important to know the exact stage of the pregnancy since you need to give different medicines, food supplies, a quantity of food and water according to each stage. Try giving her green peppers, more broccoli and kale. Hi there! A few proprietors have brought a young guinea pig home, to find that she is pregnant as of now! and then voila, there's an insanely large pig with moving lumps in her belly. As a pet parent, youre likely looking for the best kind of bedding for your furry friends, something that also keeps odors to a minimum and poses no, Read More Best Bedding for Guinea Pigs: Top 6 Choices That Are Safe & ComfortableContinue, Did you know your cute cavy has teeth that never stop growing? In the event that you have numerous sows, eliminate the male pig quickly to keep others from getting pregnant. The person I got her from lied to me about her being with a male. A visit to the vet will help determine if your cavy is pregnant. 5. If any of them seem to bother her or tease her, they will need to be put in a separate cage. Without turning her upside down or applying any pressure, roll your fingers softly along her sides and you may be able to feel the unborn. See this how to video as a pig gives birth in a farrowing crate. The average gestation period for a pig is 110 to 115 days, or just a little longer than 3 months. Labor: . It might comprise pre-eclampsia (metabolic unevenness), dystocia (trouble conceiving an offspring), and baby blues battle, (for example, seizures because of short calcium levels). This thing will assist you with moving towards the additional examination. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Is It Safe to Breed Cavies? This page might contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. All in all, you will be given a visual of your guinea pigs mid-region and the specialist would then be able to affirm or negate a pregnancy. Normal labor should be short and sweet. A male guinea pig who can not see or hear his mate may create pressure, making him defenseless to sickness. Hmmm, wonder how many the hubby will let me keep. Female guinea pigs sexually mature as early as 2 months of age. Since pregnant guinea pigs are making other guinea pigs inside them, theyll need to eat unquestionably more than expected, here and there a few times more to their typical utilization. I am a little glad that there are more because that means they will be smaller, but I don't want too many. If you are present, you can help her out by removing some of the placentas and some of the soiled bedding. I just wanted to know what signs they have so I can know if I can get a good nights sleep or not. Then of course saw another weeks later that I fell in love with, bought that one too. Their eyes will open quickly and, within a few hours of birth, will search for solid food to eat., If the female guinea appears to be in distress or is in labour for longer than 20-30 minutes without giving birth, then emergency veterinary care is imperative. You might also keep in mind that some first time Mom's are not the greatest. As the female guinea pig gets older, the bones making up the pelvic canal form a permanent hard bridge by fusing. If you still decide to breed your guinea pig you shouldnt do it if the pet is more than 7 months of age. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Your email address will not be published. Pigs are mammals, which means they gestate their young inside the mother's womb. You have to rely on a combination of indicators. Sometimes, the babies come so fast that the Mom has no time to tend to each baby. Safe for the last pregnancy stages, pregnant sows can coexist with others. Grow, the female is receptive to his suggestion, she will signal acceptance. Potentially go into labor and the first few weeks of pregnancy, there 's an large... Even surgery must be performed to save the mothers double her body wont change shape much, babies! Litters shorten the gestation phase domestication of cavies began in the diet in. 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pregnant guinea pig signs of labor