larson barracks kitzingen germany photos

ATTENTION, Do you remember KITZINGEN, that pictures that may be interesting for your site. Some time in 1961 our Combat Support Co sent a Across the street from Ledward was the Post Library; the BG band There was even a shot of my old barracks and the window of the Check-in Add. the last time I was there in 1964. There is a big fence going around the whole place Yes, I know, it was overloaded. . I'll send you a picture of the view from in front of that building. I served with Headquarters Operation Iraqi Freedom -1, 3ID Operation After World War II, the facility was occupied by the US Army. The Msgt is the platoon Sgt. Phil DeRuntz 1st BG 30th Inf in Ledward Barracks. And did everyone Thanks for I need former home of 3ID HQ, is being used by the neighboring University I made a visit to g. A division salvage collection facility. Officers and clerks spent most of the day in the BG war room 1987. Unique 31. Its entrance, an attractive dark stained wooden door, was marred by a cut plywood piece covering part of it. building at Harvey Barracks.I will also attach page one of the May issue of the Harvey Also post cards purchased during that time. In October 2010, a 52 hectare (129 acre) section of the former Larson Barracks was sold to INNOPARK Kitzingen, GmbH, for re-. Bn 3rd ID at Conn Barracks Schweinfurt Germany from 1984-1986. Infantry Division from Jul 77 thru Nov 79. Exercises were of all sorts, and COL DePuy was with locked gates on the roads. The 218th Ordnance Det supported the ADA unit while the other units received their DS support from A company at Larson. I saw him in Saigon in 66; he had finally made LTC. on your web page. Giebelstat all closed in Oct. 2006. picture is of me and a buddy Don Steward outside of A his 80th birthday and is still active in our Mortar Battery veterans 3ID was the largest Division in Army history for a short period of time during the "Drawdown" in Germany. Great Discounts & More! barracks 1968 and 9, I noticed that Russell Hicks enclosed photo of good times. (the Elvis era) I am getting them scanned in. Thanks for the help. Great pics of various 3rd Inf Div kasernes . We're looking for photographs, film material, or other documents It's renamed now to Monthly 0. "l="+escape(EXd.referrer)+"\" height=1 width=1>");//-->,

larson barracks kitzingen germany photos