ck3 counties with most holdings

So you go through the whole game and just stay a county without a liege and not become a Kingdom? Cities will provide you with some income and mostly Development. Although temples are somewhere in between cities and castles when it comes to Levy and Gold increase, the fact that the higher the Court Chaplins opinion of you is and the more Temples he controls the more you can get in Taxes and Levies. All the way in south Africa, there's the kingdom of Mali which is like 1 duchy But It has 3 goldmines in it. Less counties for other vassals. The best buildings will pay off their investment after 24 years (Manor House, Farms, Hill Farms). Arabia. Castles are best for levies and defense, cities are best for gold, and temples (assuming theocractic) are best for both. Asatru, the traditional Nordic faith, is on the way out in 1066 AD. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. I have always looked at counties in CK2 with lots of empty slots as "nice", but I rather have a 4-holding county where all the holdings have been created and some of its buildings have been upgraded to a 7-holding county full of empty slots. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Confederate partition always gives your County Capital (including all barony titles) to your heir. Easy enough to figure it out. It's also a 5 county duchy and most is floodplains. House of Wonders is utterly insane. The penalty for Disinheriting is far too high for this to be a manageable method of controlling succession. It also starts with the most development in the game and a boost to its growth. Cities: Focus on tax. See In CK3 I actually prefer inland counties for my capital even though they don't get ports, since the AI loves to sail straight to your capital when it can. Can you achieve fame and fortune for your noble family, or will your names be forgotten to history? What defines the best duchy? As of now, we can only control Castles and get penalties for holding Temple or City titles. Runner-ups are Plains and Floodplains. The number of possible holdings is hardcoded. The Royal Reserve is nice, up until some other player who stacked other duchy buildings clobbers you and takes away your prime real estate. Venice has the smallest, at 1.5 from their three baronies and two counties. Domain limit is based on your highest title and your stewardship skills plus you can also get increases in other ways via lifestyle skills. (For reference: I currently have 1 gold mine active and 6 trade posts, not fully-upgraded. Ceterum censeo message settings esse restituenda. Somewhat new to the forum, but I haven't seen this question before. Thats too tedious for me. What holdings should I put on farmland? You are using an out of date browser. Every point below 100 reduces County Taxes by -1%. Next, gold buildings are limited. I still haven't figured out something in Scandinavia that I'm totally satisfied with., Have counties with high number of Holding slots, Money Dump Order: Castle upgrades (often unavailable) > Buildings in your barony titles > Holdings in your county (Temples) > Buildings in your vassals counties (very bad), Gold Mines are the ones you want. This works towards the kings favor. So avoid that. 8. WebThese domains have various holdings with buildings . Therefore I will focus in this guide on creating the Economic Powerhouse. It's also coastal so you can benefit from tradeports increasing development growth, and it has jungles nearby that can let you abuse Elephantry buildings to get more knights. Yes having a bunch of holdings in a single county is a CK2 strategy, not really valid anymore in CK3. Some traits are bad for economics, some are good. WebThese domains have various holdings with buildings . Having a large county seems to be great. My personal favorite is in india called vengipura and it's barony of Ellur. As for holding type, I don't think it matters that much. Arent you more likely to lose counties in different duchies upon succession? Sjaelland,Fyn + Slesvig, Holstein + Bremen, Hamborg = Viking Sea King. France: Flanders or Normandy (both are size 6 duchies, with 5 coastal), plus extra baronies in your capital. Any opinions? If it is only the ratio of counties to possible holdings (cph, lower=better), best are these: tken - 0,1765 cph Uzboy - 0,1818 cph Rashka - 0,1905 cph It's usually a stable region, being the center of Egypt and such. What duchy has the most holding slots now? And hills/forest gives you benefits for constructing other holdings and reduce army maintenance. If it is only the ratio of counties to possible holdings (cph, lower=better), best are these: tken - 0,1765 cph Uzboy - 0,1818 cph Rashka - 0,1905 cph You lose a ton of prestige each time you do it and if you have 5-6 viable heirs you will be in a huge amount of prestige trouble. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The more power they hold, the more land their subjects can work and, most importantly, the more tax they will produce! Therefore, it is perfectly fine to have some fully fleshed-out counties located in different duchies. If the holding is the County Capital, it will have 4 slots; if it's also the Duchy Capital, it will have a 5th slot reserved for duchy buildings. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Interactive. 2019,, Play WebAnswer: There are at most 7 holdings in a county in CK2, with at least one being held by a titleholder. Anybody figure out the best holding to build in empty county slots? I have always looked at counties in CK2 with lots of empty slots as "nice", but I rather have a 4-holding county where all the holdings have been created and some of its buildings have been upgraded to a 7-holding county full of empty slots. Meanwhile, due to its high ratio of 4.4, Nikaea jumps from number 80 in county density to number 49 in barony density. Whats best, Tanjavur in South India is really well developed and you can build the Brihadeshwara Temple. Manor Houses are the best buildings for Special mention to the Councillors Increase Development task, since it also helps with Construction it is generally good to use this if you dont need immediate money. And then they pay part of that in taxes to you. The catch is that only 2 counties have their coast in the Mediterranean, which makes it harder to embark troops. Coastal counties allow fast movement of troops via boat, and for Trade Posts by (vassal) Merchant Republics. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in medival Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Best counties on the map? PDXCON WebHere are some places to target playing 'tall' (with the stewardship & perks for that many holdings). Best individual counties in the game for building tall? Note that income from Buildings go into your taxable income. All CK3 special buildings cost 1,000 gold and would take five to six years to finish. Not a huge thing just a quality of life option if you don't want to swat off besiegers at your capital every war. Praha is also great to hold because the duchy of bohemia has one of those special mines. So apart from counties of Paris, Rome, Cordoba and London, I love Egypt, Mesopotamia and Bengal for their abundance of farmlands and floodplains. Bonus points if the Farmlands are coastal. Counties can hold Baronies such as Castles, Temples or Cities. In CK2, since your steward and martial worked on a county basis, it was best to have a county (5 or 6 slots) maxed out with castle holdings that you personally controlled for the steward and martial stacking bonuses- a single county with In CK2, since your steward and martial worked on a county basis, it was best to have a county (5 or 6 slots) maxed out with castle holdings that you personally controlled for the steward and martial stacking bonuses- a single county with This county has 7 holdings, so you can build 5 castles, a city, a temple and just contiuously build up development using your steward and building buildings in that one county, knowing you'll never lose it in succession as you never lose any holdings in your primary county. Probably the number of counties in a duchy, since the Duchy Building modifiers apply to all those counties. Now for the next obvious choice. Is Succession your nemesis and are you lucky to have some counties left? This works towards the kings favor. highest paying software companies in europe; ck3 county with most holdings. _George_Costanza 2 yr. ago Ive been looking for this as well. Both are really strong and large. What's the advantage of coastal counties? It's usually a stable region, being the center of Egypt and such. Thrace alone has 13 holdings along 3 counties, and Optimatoi across the Bosphorus has 2 more counties with 7 holdings, for a total of 20 holdings in 5 counties, all of them coastal. Every county must have at least 1 of each before you can build the next holding type. There are three types of holdings: Baronies: Focus on troops. Counties are the smallest kind of domain you can hold in Crusader Kings 3, and as such you'll need to manage them carefully. Kuru has 13 baronies between its counties, starts with the Iron Pillar of Delhi special building (gives +5% monthly prestige, -5% army maintenance, +10% heavy cavalry/infantry toughness realm-wide, and +10% monthly development and +0.1 flat monthly development in your capital), and has one of the Hindu holy sites directly, while also directly bordering a duchy containing a second. Manor Houses are the best buildings for Yeah Flanders is trash now, but Valois is a pretty good prize. I would also consider Lahore in India which has a super high total development from the start. The unofficially titled 'North Korea strategy' has returned for Crusader Kings 3, and it lets you completely dominate the world if pulled off correctly. Great guide! Valve Corporation. In Europe this would definitely be Roma (6 holdings/6 farmlands/2 coastal) -> Paris (6 holdings/6 farmlands) -> London (5 holdings/5 farmlands) -> Praha (6 holdings/3 farmlands) -> Sjaelland (5 holdings/1 farmland/5 coastal) -> Skane (5 holdings/1 farmland/ 4 coastal) -> Cordoba (4 holdings/3 farmlands), Don't know about other part of the world, cause I play in Europe all the time, but probably you can check out de jure capitals of de jure kingdoms/empires, they are usually boosted with farmlands (like Paris/London/Roma/Cordoba), I think the potential of roma is very depleted because the pope always builds a ton of temples. And unique buildings can be sort of hard to find but often quiet OP. All terrains have the same building options, which give the same amount of money and levies to any holding type. In CK2 it was cities hands-down for the tax income, but here in CK3 my mayors all make me <0.1 gold per month and exactly 7 troops each. Makran has the largest barony to county ratio, at 4.69. On the map, the territory of a County will contain multiple Baronies and cannot be altered. Quite frankly, that entire strip along the Indus river is good. ", "No no no you don't you had an affair with Lord Magnus, so off to the dungeon drop your gold off in the treasury on your waythank you", When I found out I could banish my poor church leaders. Stewardship gives a +2% Domain tax per level, and +1 Domain limit per 5 levels. Best counties on the map? Players need to opt for the 867 starting date if they want to play as a Norse pagan and have a rip-roaringly, hack-and-slashy, remotely easy time. The number of possible holdings is hardcoded. CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Cities: Focus on tax. Churches will give you 50% of their gold and 100% of levies if they have a positive opinion of you, and thats more than what Cities and Castles have to offer. And have I mentioned free holdings and the best walls of the game right at the start? Buildings can boost a couple of things: Development, Income, Levies, Man-at-Arms and various others. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Temples are amazing because they give you all the holding bonuses. I played my first game as Pandya, who start with Madurai as their capital. I would also consider Lahore in India which has a super high total development from the start. Most Prestige: Owning counties is more prestigious than baronies. The unofficially titled 'North Korea strategy' has returned for Crusader Kings 3, and it lets you completely dominate the world if pulled off correctly. AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Empire of Sin Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: County Duchy Kingdom Empire Baronies Development Special Buildings/Slots Religion Culture ID 867 1066 Middlesex Essex: England: Britannia: 5: 9: 13: 1: Catholicism: Anglo-Saxon: c_middlesex First get a faith that has the theocratic clerical tradition, your realm priest or whatever it's called will hold all of the temples and give you 50% taxes and 100% levies if he likes you (easy with sway). The County/Duchy of Pagan, you start geographically isolated (so few threats to deal with), farmland and plains (super easy to develop) and the de jure kingdom it sits in holds 2 Holy Sites of the local faith (Ari Buddhism). A question I have is you say in the context of having a hard time keeping all counties in a duchy due to succession it is perfectly fine to have some fully fleshed-out counties located in different duchies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The penalty for Disinheriting is far too high for this to be a manageable method of controlling succession. Manor Houses. Manor Houses. Conquering your own continent is a lot easier when you have the gold mines of Niani, Bure and bambuk(not actually in manding but close enough that it can be part of your domain). Instead of Thrake + Optimatoi, I usually go with Thrake + Adrianople + Abydos when playing on the ERE. Theocratic is OP because of this compared to lay clergy where you have to waste a domain slot for the same benefits. Anybody figure out the best holding to build in empty county slots? Ile de France has 6 farmland holding slots and a special building (Notre Dame). Uhhhh.everyone appears to be answering which counties are the best. Constantinople? All terrains have the same building options, which give the same amount of money and levies to any holding type. Then five of them are 3 gold, and the other five are 5 gold. Crusader Kings 3 allows you to manage and customize your complete realm and its holdings or even start new constructions. So good duchies would be: Thessalonika, Sicily, Flanders, Barcelona, etc. Most Prestige: Owning counties is more prestigious than baronies. Asatru, the traditional Nordic faith, is on the way out in 1066 AD. You get the pyramids bonus, you get tons of coastal provinces, you get floodplains which have the same boost to development as farmlands, and best of all you get Camalries which give you boosts to Knights, knight damage, and even gold/development. Castles are best for levies and defense, cities are best for gold, and temples (assuming theocractic) are best for both. Build temples to defend your trade posts! Given that he mentions "cities on the coast" in CK2, I think he means actual holdings. Most holdings have 3 building slots. Some nice small-but-big Duchies there. Arabia. Assuming theocratic, they are by far the best investment. The one you mentioned with 8 is the one with highest holding count, but that does not mean it's the best one. I have paris now as capital holding. See Crusader Kings 3 allows you to manage and customize your complete realm and its holdings or even start new constructions. Farmland is by far the best for money. This page was last edited on 10 June 2022, at 11:00. For our economic strategy pick the Income Buildings. Mercia has 9 counties, I think Provence has 8. The Arabian duchies have a big variation between the number of counties each control. Duchies upon succession being the center of Egypt and such so you through! The holding bonuses capital ( including all barony titles ) to your heir 5 coastal ), extra! Which has a super high total development from the start to the forum, but I have figured... Of those special mines Provence has 8 to lay clergy where you to! 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ck3 counties with most holdings