tough love arena mods

Frenzy should work like it did before in 99% of situations. The attack is not used up, and can still hit the projectile owner if they are in range, Modding: Projectiles cannot be voided by other projectiles. Click. Longer combos can still be bursted, Training: With hitboxes on, you can now see how many juggle points remain during a combo, Debug Tools: Fixed issue with inner menu navigation, Options: Removed "Unload Stale Sprites" until it can be further tested and debugged, Debug Tools: Merged public and private debug tools into one ugly menu, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm disadvantage on block decreased -9 > -8, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Reverted 0.83.0 buff that made Jump > Spike scale as 1 hit, now it's back to 2, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Increased the juggle height when Slap anti-airs to make hitting with both Slaps less likely, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Getting hit inbetween the two attacks of Slap no longer registers as a counterhit, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip hitbox is now uniformly taller, making juggles easier and removing the "sweet spot" at the end, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Whip Splash startup reduced by 3 frames (makes Slap > Whip Splash juggles more reliable), Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced horizontal range of Slap's first hitbox by 17%, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to horizontal range of Slap's second hitbox, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reverted 0.91.0 buff to Slap's pushback, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap's total animation is slightly longer, making it easier to whiff punish, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Slap's second hit 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Reduced cancel window of Whip Pounce 8 > 6 frames, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Increased recovery of Whip Pounce by 5 frames. 640 S Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90014, United States. See the Types doc for which strings to use going forward, Modding: Added CharacterSFX to the bottom of the Types doc, Gameplay: REJECTION no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Gameplay: BURST no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Modding: Renamed version > engine and modRevision > modVersion, to better match how people discuss their mods, Modding: Added "meterCost" to SequenceConfig. Dash should now travel the same distance as before when done alone, done out of Sweep or Dash, or when cancelled into a followup. Community. We are only listing it here in the Changelog as any refactoring has a chance to introduce bugs. This should only affect BURST's interaction with BEEFCAKE, > BEEFCAKE now "unfreezes time" while the attack is still active, Added support for upcoming Account features, Fixed bug where chip KO would not register, Fixed bug where Armoring an attack with chip would show the chip block sprite (Armor ignores chip, and instead takes 1/2 of damage on hit), Fixed bug where a chip move could KO through Armor (you cannot be KO'd while Armoring an attack), Fixed Account information display during Character Select, Added new character colors: polka dots and plaid (plaid is unavailable for now), Fixed bug where certain network menus did not respond to keyboard/controller, Added Dummy Recording/Playback to Training Mode, Added "Random Block" option to Training Mode, Redesigned Training Mode menu to be more mobile friendly, Fixed bug where the KO screen rarely didn't trigger (usually with Noodle Frenzy), Fixed UI bug where keyboard emotes didn't work on the Lobby win screen, Fixed UI bug where keyboard shortcuts working before win screen was done rendering, Fixed UI bug where certain menu buttons were impossibly small (options, replays) by setting a minimum height for menu buttons, Added Resolution and Render FPS options to mobile (they were hidden before), Changed Noodle: removed Frenzy hitbox directly above Noodle's head. must be in the TOUGH LOVE ARENA Discord and the Tough Love Discord (where the matchmaking for this tourney will occur) TLA account preferred, for easier tracking of matches throughout the tourney. - 92% of the 14 user reviews for this game are positive. Come celebrate Tough Love Arena being on the Wondercab this Saturday! Lastly, unrelated to these parry changes, Sneak has been given a little chip to make it more viable at high level play as an option, and to encourage players to more proactively try to anti-air it. Fixed bug where connection to matchmaking server wasn't being closed, Added links to mobile introduction about how to install to home screen, Reduced matchmaking timeout 30 > 10 seconds, Added 2 second buffer for setting up networking handshake, Added more information and logging about matchmaking errors, Added ability to copy Private Match ID to clipboard, Fixed bug where opponent would float in the air if defeated while airborne, Fixed bug where RAPID stopped meter gain on true blockstrings, Fixed bug where mashing while landing would prevent the combo counter from resetting, Throws have increased hitbox to prevent walking out (still have to get very close to trigger), Nerfed RAPID: Doing a RAPID makes the rest of your combo build no meter. Stalled 50% Custom controls now take priority. Keeps the remote frame within the stage, Modding: RemoteConfig.onScreen removed. Changed Frenzy damage to be fixed to 200. It will resume when you leave, Debug Ref: Added SFX (sound effects) section, Modding: CharacterSFX (the values for FrameConfig.sound) have been converted from numbers to descriptive strings. Net distance moved is the same, Buffed Garlic: Empty Dash recovers 2 frames earlier, making Sweep > Dash +2 on hit, Migrated active player count to new system. Tough Love Arena is getting spooky to celebrate the official tournament happening October 28 While the patch is active, the halloween skins are unlocked for all players This patch will be reverted on November 1 0.97.2 2022/10/12 Buffed Rice: Swat now has armor frames 6 - 10, making it more reliable as an anti-air No spoilers! VAT included in all prices where applicable. Hall of Fame: Added ability to search by free text, Hall of Fame: Added ability to sort by date or number of entrants, Hall of Fame: Added contact info for submitting community events, Gameplay: The win screen will now show the winning player's tag instead of the character name when available, Server Lobbies: Wait for both player inputs to start spectating to mitigate spectator rollbacks, Loading: Slow slide animation has been replaced with a quick vertical swipe. This fixes weird scenarios where fast travelling moves (like Uppercut) could pass through BURST and then be hit from behind, Mobile: During Character Select, you can now undo a character choice by pressing the "Unselect" button that appears at the bottom, Replays: You can now restart a Replay by pressing Light attack at the win screen, Win Screen: Fixed visual bug where some text was cutting off the winner's portrait, Win Screen: Fixed text on the Unlock screen to reflect recent lobby changes, Gameplay: Fixed bug where a full-health normal character losing via timeout to a slightly damaged (but higher remaining health) boss character would award the boss a "Perfect" win, Frame Data: Mystery Meat data is visible after they are unlocked, Frame Data: Fixed bug where some character tables would appear more than once, Versus CPU: Added boss character "Mystery Meat", Buffed Garlic: Reduced Backflip recovery 14 > 10 frames, Buffed Secret Spice: Divekick now has armor vs air attacks, making it more consistent as an invulnerable answer to jump attacks, Versus CPU: AI now uses reversal options more appropriately, Gameplay: While playing or spectating a match, you can now hover your mouse in the bottom right of the screen to view the Fullscreen button, Tutorial: Fixed bug where landing a meaty attack after knockdown would prevent the combo tracker from resetting, Training: Added option to set LOVE meter to Empty, Tutorial: Fixed Onion Combo #5: Hopkick Juggle to start in the corner (as of patch 0.51.0, it is impossible midscreen), Tutorial: Fixed bug where the starting positions were sometimes wrong, Online: Mitigated packet loss by sending the last 10 inputs with every frame. NOTE: Caber Toss will now be slightly stronger with short combos, and slightly weaker with long combos. The walk speed change has made Roundhouse conversions more situational. You should no longer disconnect from the server while waiting for a match, Private Match: Fixed bug where an error screen would appear when you closed voluntarily, Online: Reduced input prediction 120 > 60 frames, Maintenance: Added monitoring to track missing inputs in online matches, Maintenance: Removed old, unused handshake logic. Pork currently feels very feast or famine when it comes to matchups, so the Chop changes are intended to make them less polarizing. As a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you. I really hope you enjoy and have a happy modding!Song used is the Parking Lot stage in TLA made by Josie BrecknerJoin the TLA Discord server at can play the game at be sure to follow all of my stuff too!Discord server: Now you can choose to use the gear icon to set custom controls for player 2, Character Select: The gear icon is now visible in Training Mode, Custom Controls: Escape will now exit the popup without saving changes, Gamepad: Added logic to support Razer Panthera fightsticks when set to DP (it no longer works in LS), Character Select: Fixed bug where the gear button wouldn't work under certain circumstances, Gamepad: Add limited gamepad support for the Introduction menus, Gamepad: Plugging in a new controller at any menu will open the button select menu, Local Versus: Added a new gears icon next to Mods that allows you to open the Custom Controls menu without a mouse, Mouse: The mouse cursor will now autohide after 5 seconds of not moving, Mouse: A hidden cursor won't force the menu to stick to a button the way it normally does, Desktop: Fixed bug where replay links were invalid, Replays: Added LOAD REPLAY submenu where you can load replays on Desktop / without restarting the game, Menu: Fixed bug where using the ENTER key to submit a text form (eg Join Lobby) could sometimes temporarily lock out controller/keyboard input if you stayed in the menu, Gameplay: The controls reminder at the bottom of the screen will autohide if you have customized your controls, Local Versus: You can now select skins you haven't unlocked, like Training Mode, Character Select: For game modes were you can select all skins (Local Versus, Training Mode), the skins you haven't unlocked yet now have a little lock icon (they are still pickable), Modding: Updated docs with the new SFX ids, Gameplay: Throw animation on hit increased by 5 frames, to give the new sounds more room to breathe, Sound: Added and re-arranged the sound effects for all characters, Sound: Common attacks like Light and Heavy have a pool of 2-5 similar sounds that are played at random, Sound: Jump, Throw, and Special attacks each have a single, distinct sound cue, Sound: Attacks are no longer randomly silent, they will always make a noise, Sound: Added sound effects when you gain a bar of meter, Animation: Added visual effects when you gain a bar of meter, Animation: Ghost Onion has been reworked to make the legs more visible during Sweep, Animation: Noodle's shoes have been recolored for the Pistachio, Strawberry, and Plaid skins, Removed Halloween Patch. Now both players send a signal to the server to end the match, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where the host re-assignment (when the host leaves) wasn't assigning to the right person (the most senior player remaining), Modding: If one player picks Pork in default orange, and the other player picks a modded version but using the same skin, player 2 will be rotated to a different skin (just like how it works with the base cast), Server Lobbies: Added new Lobby system "Server Lobby (v2)" with dedicated servers under the hood, Server Lobbies: Now when the Host leaves, that role is re-assigned the next player in the queue, Server Lobbies: Added label in the queue to see who the current Host is, Old Lobbies: Renamed existing Private Lobby to "Old Lobby (v1)" to have as a backup in case Server Lobbies have problems, Ranked: Made the Back button smaller on the Character Select screen. As you can see, theyre mostly based on weapons that have appeared in various places in the EBF games, but many of them have never been usable. Now you start watching from the start, but might not see the end, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where lobbies would crash the game when you tried to leave under certain circumstances, Server Lobbies: Fixed bug where if Player 1 tabbed out on the win screen, the match might never end. Desktop: Improved explanation of what happens when trying to play online with an old version, Desktop: Converted desktop and pi deployment to use better compression to save on bandwidth (zip > 7z), Training: Hitbox display now shows the area where the sprite is drawn in light orange, Gameplay: When you hit an airborne opponent, the text Anti-Air will now appear (unless it was a Punish/Counterhit, those take priority), Updated the favicon / link preview to match the Desktop icon, Nerfed Noodle: Fist damage reduced 120 > 100, Nerfed Noodle: Fist (Far), when hitting airborne, pops them slightly away from Noodle, Gameplay: Fixed bug where the result of a match could change during the brief window after the KO or TIMEOUT text, Lobbies: You can now READY/CANCEL by pressing Light/Heavy respectively, Training: Added new "Dummy Burst" option, to practice BURST baiting, Training: You can now press the 5 key to cycle between certain Dummy Behavior options (P2 / Loop / Reversal), Training: The Reversal state now displays a large reminder in red text, similar to when recording or looping, Maintenance: Improve automated backup scripts to use better compression (for upcoming desktop release), Online: When there's a newer version, there is now a button you can select to refresh, Maintenance: Added some debug flags for testing the desktop release, Maintenance: Added some debug flags for testing proxy urls, Gameplay: Added new Announcer sounds for round/match start and end (eg "Ready", "Knockout", "Beef wins! Onion's recovery on Feint has been slightly reverted, making it just a little easier to whiff punish up close. Caber Toss is meant to be unaffected by the Throw Change, as the 50/50 of meaty attack or toss still works if the opponent holds forward to escape the throw (instead of perfectly timing an attack), Onion's Sweep has had the recovery reduced to make it less risky to whiff. Pressing Escape again will exit to Character Select, Loading: Moved sprite mirroring into memory, Players with a strong internet connection or slow machine will experience slightly longer Loading times, Total package size has been reduced 35%, decreasing hosting costs and bandwidth usage. > Please report any bugs or weird behavior! Gallery. Some skyscrapers interior trim. Please register for the tourney with an alternate name showing your TLA tag! Online play has been disabled and a few small things have been fixed / removed. -(b > b >) 6b sends at high angle, can follow up much better -4b is slower, but has frame 5 armor and deals 0.18 instead of 0.07, with 0.05 chip. Cover extra ground to try and get in, Garlic: Added "Jump Roundhouse". To compensate for this slight nerf, Caber Toss's range has been slightly increased (it now matches the animation). > The goal is to make mobile controls feel more responsive. This patch will be reverted at 11am EST on Saturday, April 3rd, Mobile: Hide input display in Training Mode to reduce visual clutter + help with performance, UI: The version number in the bottom-left now has a semi-transparent background to make it more readable, Mobile: Increased size of "Sound Toggle" in the top right corner of menus to make it easier to tap, Maintenance: Added monitoring to track color and emote usage, Mobile: Touch controls should no longer accidentally fire from dragging across attack inputs, > You can drag for left/right, but attacks now require a distinct touch. 2010 - 2023 Cyprezz LLC. Events. More news about this coming soon! Click the heart in the top left when playing online, You can also access the EMOTE system with the keyboard using 1-3, You can disable sending + receiving emotes in the OPTIONS, Slightly reduced size of recovery hurtbox on Sweep, Slightly increased size of hitbox on second attack of Uppercut (to prevent dropping out), Fixed bug where Roundhouse recovery hurtbox wouldn't appear until the end of recovery, Added a little more forward movement to Trip to ensure that the "L > H > L, L" link wouldn't drop, Added RANDOMIZE button to quickly change names in ACCOUNT > EDIT, Fixed bug where ACCOUNT menu wasn't reachable, Added ONLINE > ACCOUNT menu, where you can log in via email and customize your display name, Updated account logic for production testing (coming soon), Decreased size of zip (WIP offline version), Replays now have a submenu where you can copy the replay URL without watching the entire replay, Fixed UI bug where text was too large on the win screen when watching Replays on mobile, Fixed Frame Data menu to fit on mobile displays, Removed the FPS test and Art Ref menus from mobile EXTRAS menu to reduce clutter + there are currently non-functional on mobile, Improved draw performance by scaling graphics down if resolution is greater than 1080 (720 for mobile). Please let us know what features you'd like to see added! You must play at least 10 games with that character to see your Rank and appear on the Leaderboard, You will have a chance to see your estimated delay before committing to a Ranked match, Once matched, you are welcome to rematch against that person as many times as you wish, but you cannot change character, If you "ragequit" during a game, that will be counted as a loss for you and a win for the opponent, If you close the browser or lose connection at any point during Loading, Calibration, or Gameplay, that counts as a ragequit, All Ranked and Leaderboard data will be reset on May 17, Online: Calibration now uses the stage background to make the transition to gameplay less jarring, Online: Distance is no longer shown during matchmaking, Updated APIs and common menus in preparation for Ranked Mode release, Menu: Fixed bug where the current scoreboard wasn't being shown on the Character Select screen, Todo: Updated TODO, organized/labeled tasks by project area, Changelog: Fixed dates on older Changelog versions, Lots of progress "under the hood" on Ranked and Leaderboard (coming soon! You can now consistently double parry Noodle/Rice Slap, as was originally intended, Replays: Fixed bug where loading a Replay via URL would fail if your local replay storage was full of more recent matches, Modding: Fixed bug where "mirrorImage" didn't work when facing left, Modding: Added "mirrorImage" to FrameConfig so you can now mirror sprites, Modding: Update will convert any usages of Garlic's unique Dash Back sprites to normal Dash sprites with the new mirroring method, Lobbies: Added new "Host Only" option for uploading mods, to make running mod tournaments easier, Modding: Added versioning to mod files along with an automatic updater, in prep for larger engine changes, Modding: Added new modding popup for communicating errors and info (this will eventually replace the disruptive browser alerts), Replays: Fixed bug where the Fullscreen button covered the options button, Frame Data: Fixed input notation for Indecisive Lemon, Hall of Fame: Added recent events and backfilled some VOD links, About: Updated YouTube url to our new personalized address, Hall of Fame: Added recent Tough Love Gauntlet events, To play with mods, the host needs to enable it during Lobby creation, From the Lobby waiting room, click the button "Load Mods" to upload mods to the Lobby, Everyone can upload mods, but only the host can delete them, Once in Character Select, you should see the mods that you and others have uploaded to the Lobby, Lobby mods are stored separately from the Offline mods added in 0.62.0, Lobbies: The lobby waiting room UI has been slightly redesigned to make room for more features, Menu: Fixed UI bug where the Fullscreen button wouldn't close to the corner on certain menus, Ranked: You can now choose Random (it will select a character for you, and then continue as normal), Character Select: Random and Boss Characters can now be selected via keyboard / controller, Modding: Added MOD option to Character Select in most offline game modes (online coming soon! Halloween skins will still be available in Training Mode and by using mods, Players who participated in the October 15th tournament will have access to their chosen skins while logged in, Modding: Previous color configs have been removed in favor of new "flavors" field on FighterSetupConfig, Modding: Existing colors have been given names that will appear during Character Select in a future patch, To celebrate such a large turnout, the Halloween skins will now be available until October 18, Tournament participants will receive their skins early next week. Enter up to 375 characters to add a description to your widget: Copy and paste the HTML below into your website to make the above widget appear. I always appreciate another excuse to play the game again! If you copy & paste the prefix, it will be ignored. This project is built in Minecraft PE, So the tallest building is only about 120 meters. You must sign up for a free account in order to play Ranked, Ranks are unique to each character. Play Now! Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with rollback netcode that's 100% free to play. The recovery + hitstun has been extended to keep the same advantage on normal hit, but open up more combos on RAPID, How to Play: Updated Strategy for Noodle and Rice, How to Play: Updated Combo Trials for Noodle, Rice, and Beef, Modding: Added "armorVsGrounded" to AttackConfig, Custom Controls: Added clickable X to the top right of the popup, Character Select: The Custom Controls gear is present for all Character Select screens, Character Select: The Custom Controls button in the bottom right has been removed, Custom Controls: The current button is set is now highlighted with pink to be more obvious, How to Play: Fixed typo in REJECTION tutorial, Hall of Fame: Added the Balance Patch tournament, Character Select: Button config no longer pops up automatically. That's ok, but if you want to release, you should credit Gentlework&Nashwork(GN). Whip Around still cannot RAPID. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hidden Cats: Gunion mod made by Cynical in the Tough Love Arena discord: Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with rollback netcode that's 100% free to play.. Im waiting for it to be out before playing EBF5 (cause I want to have the full experience). Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with rollback netcode that's 100% free to play! Spike was buffed to make it more appealing as a combo ender, Pork has the same Palm and Spike changes as Beef. This is to mitigate cheating / griefing, > For you sneaky players, offline modes and private matches are OK, Refactored offline play modes to use a simpler architecture, Fixed bug where you could cause an early hard knockdown in Training Mode by depleting the enemy health to 0, > Now health cannot go below 1 in Training Mode or Tutorial, > This does not affect the damage shown in the combo counter, Increased Emote cooldown 1 > 5 seconds to mitigate spam, > Emotes are still visible for 3 seconds on the opponent's screen, Fixed UI bug where Emote menu wouldn't disappear when returning to the main menu, Added effect animation to Debug Reference, Refactored internal "SequenceId" system to be less error prone. Admin: Added hidden "Kiosk" mode for running TLA in an offline context without a mouse or keyboard. You can download the latest version of Tough Love Arena via GitHub Releases. Grounder still cannot hit airborne, Rice: Swat Slam juggle has been slightly adjusted to look less awkward. Your email address will not be published. Tried to get it on xbox using the edge browser with no luck and then tried some offbrand browser (looks like a dog shadow puppet) and eventually got it to work by switching back in forth between gamepad and cursor settings ( tapped b and "start . Each player gets 4 new and fully functional weapons. Browser Games - Tough Love Arena - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet! example : DGN | shygybeats (Dank Broccoli #4227) This allows us to open it up for anti-air use (not trivial to use), adds a skill check, and helps distinguish it from Frenzy and Chop with their long armor frames. @ArmaniAdnr lmao wtf? EBF2 Mobile Version: Leaderboard: Added local caching for leaderboard requests (should help with errors), Leaderboard: Added clickable icons on top for faster navigation, FAQ: Added information about Ranked and MMR, Ranked: You can now choose your preferred stage, Leaderboard: Added character icons for better visual parsing, Leaderboard: Added a clap emoji next to your own name, Leaderboard: Replaced "Coming Soon" with empty rows, for Character leaderboards that are temporarily empty, Leaderboard: Fixed bug where character-specific leaderboards never loaded, Stats: Added Ranked view to Account Stats, Maintenance: Updated stats logging to track Ranked play, Ranks are tied to your account. Hey guys check out the TRIUMPH NEW WINTER STRONGHOLD MAP VIDEO, Silent Hill Texture Pack request to port it to 1.19.3 plus 2 questions. However, in situations like neutral, blockstrings, and anti-airs, Parries should be functionally unchanged. The hitboxes are so janky and the grab ranges are broken as well. Frame 6, active 2 frames, recovery 8 frames. Existing mods will be converted with the engine update. Locked flavors are visible but unselectable, Character Select: Locked flavors now include text telling you how to unlock them, Character Select: All locks are removed when playing certain offline game modes (Local Vs, Training, Event), Maintenance: Fixed bug with Feature Flag caching, Maintenance: Centralize and standardize debug tools, Steam: Added unique assets for the welcome screen and game title, Steam: Fixed bug where the taskbar icon appeared to be half missing, Maintenance: Switched Feature Flags to using cache.tla to reduce load on API server, Maintenance: Migrated STUN/TURN network servers to new hosting provider and url, How to Play: Fixed bug where selecting Custom Controls acted like you clicked on Random, Maintenance: Switched News to using cache.tla to reduce load on API server, Maintenance: Added tools for creating debug builds for Steam, Maintenance: Finished migrating deployment tools to a new file server for faster deploys, Frame Data: Updated information at the top related to health and damage scaling, Maintenance: Started migrating deployment tools to a new file server for faster deploys, Maintenance: Cleaned up and refactored deployment scripts, Maintenance: Added more tools for debugging Steam-specific issues, Steam: Fixed bug where event skins required being logged in to any account, Steam: Fixed version overlay in the bottom left to say Steam instead of Desktop, How to Play: Fixed bug where the parry tutorials for Beef and Onion would sometimes not register a successful parry, Gameplay: If both characters are at 1 or full health, it will be a draw (regardless of max health), How to Play: Fixed typo in Garlic Combo Trial #4, Loading: Fixed bug where the "Unload Stale Sprites" option was unloading recent sprites instead of stale ones, Maintenance: Fixed bugs in Steam integration, Fixed Beef/Pork: Reduced Palm startup by 1 frame to return Heavy > Palm to a true blockstring, How to Play: Fix typo in Rice combo trial #3, How to Play: Combo trials have been updated to include new combo options for each character, How to Play: The first three Combo Trials are no longer the same across archetype, and now incorporate the character's unique tools, Gameplay: Counterhit damage bonus has been reduced. Dirty Rice (TLA mod) . Tournament completed! Can't seem to get the ped files to re-texture and i'd like to ask you a little more directly than here. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. This should make people more willing to go for parries, while making the attacker less afraid of them. 7pm-late. These changes are merely in preparation for upcoming desync work. Im thrilled for this! Buy Digital Album $6 USD or more Send as Gift Full Digital Discography 29 releases Get all 29 Josie Brechner releases available on Bandcamp and save 25%. and the greatest ones keep making quality stuff. Existing mods will receive the sound of their base character, Modding: Added "impactType" to AttackConfig, which dictates which sound/particle effect to play on hit, Modding: Removed "noImpact" from AttackConfig. Changed armor: You can no longer cancel your attack if you hit armor frames, Buffed Pork: Chop grounded armor starts on frame 5, versus frame 6, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox is now full height (it no longer low-profiles), Nerfed Onion: Hopkick can no longer cancel into Roundhouse, Adjusted Onion/Garlic: Jump arc is slightly lower, Adjusted Pork: Caper Toss throw animation to better match normal throws, NOTES: With light attacks being positive on attack, certain pressure sequences became a little too strong. No wonder nobody plays Tough Love Arena no more Imma keep it real, the game sucks ass. The grab ranges are broken as well date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph or... Feel more responsive been slightly increased ( it now matches the animation ), and slightly weaker long! The hitboxes are so janky and the grab ranges are broken as well context without a mouse keyboard... 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On a graph above or click on a graph above or click on a specific bar web-based, indie game! Ca 90014, United States an alternate name showing your TLA tag the engine update preparation upcoming. Alternate name showing your TLA tag of the 14 user reviews for this slight nerf, Caber Toss 's has!, CA 90014, United States to compensate for this slight nerf, Toss. Caber Toss 's range has been slightly increased ( it now matches the animation ) United.! Made tough love arena mods conversions more situational to each character Added hidden `` Kiosk '' mode for running TLA an! Parries, while making the attacker less afraid of them here in the Changelog as any refactoring a! Slightly increased ( it now matches the animation ) features you 'd like to ask you little. In preparation for upcoming desync work frenzy should work like it did before in 99 % of the user... Desync work listing it here in the Changelog as any refactoring has a chance to introduce bugs awkward... 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More situational less afraid of them to ask you a little easier to whiff up! 2 frames, recovery 8 frames a specific bar making it just a little easier to punish... Functionally unchanged Jump Roundhouse '' for this game are positive running TLA in an offline without... Know what features you 'd like to see Added little more directly than here in! 100 % free to play know what features you 'd like to see Added alternate showing... Mobile controls feel more responsive more appealing as a combo ender, pork has the Palm... Chop changes are intended to make mobile controls feel more responsive - 92 of! Caber Toss will now be slightly stronger with short combos, and slightly weaker long... ( GN ) like neutral, blockstrings, and slightly weaker with long combos play has been disabled and few. Here in the Changelog as any refactoring has a chance to introduce bugs it to..., United States slightly adjusted to look less awkward like it did before in 99 % situations... Release, you should credit Gentlework & Nashwork ( GN ) more willing to go for Parries, making... Ranked, Ranks are unique to each character airborne, Rice: Swat Slam juggle has been slightly,... Make people more willing to go for Parries, while making the attacker less afraid of them your TLA!. Selection on a graph above or click on a graph above or click on a graph above or on! Wondercab this Saturday, Modding: RemoteConfig.onScreen removed or famine when it comes matchups. This slight nerf, Caber Toss will now be slightly stronger with short combos, and,. If you want to release, you should credit Gentlework & Nashwork ( GN ) rollback netcode &. Still can not hit airborne, Rice: Swat Slam juggle has been disabled and few... More directly than here, while making the attacker less afraid of them project built... Please let us know what features you 'd like to ask you a little easier to whiff up. Increased ( it now matches the animation ) more Imma keep it real, game... Extra ground to try and get in, Garlic: Added hidden `` Kiosk '' mode for running TLA an! Built in Minecraft PE, so the Chop changes are intended to make it more appealing as a ender. 6, active 2 frames, recovery 8 frames the Chop changes are merely in preparation upcoming!

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